Saturday, March 30, 2024

Blessed Easter Sunday

And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun…” —Mark 16:2

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin

Come Follow Me 
March 25-31; Easter; "He Shall Rise...with Healing in His Wings"
April 1-7; Jacob 1-4; "Be Reconciled Unto God Through the Atonement of Christ"

Relief Society and Elders Quorum:

Cleaning Groups BR 1st Ward 2024

Thanks so much - One more month of cleaning! 

1. The asterisk name is the group leader. The leader could text or call those in the group and let them know of this opportunity to clean the church at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning.

2. Leland Hunt can contact the leaders and see if they have questions or need help.

3. Those in the group who want to help but can’t come at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning can get an assignment and do it at another time. For instance, they could clean the bathrooms on Friday night. Another option would be to switch weeks with someone else and they can take your place and you can take theirs.  Thank you!

Here are the cleaning groups for the next several weeks. 

Activity Days every month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday @ 4:00pm at the church.


Choir Practice weekly (except fast Sunday) following the two hour block. All are invited.

3/31 - Easter Sunday - sacrament meeting only

April - we will be taking care of the nursing home meetings

4/6-7 - General Conference

4/18 - Emergency Training

4/20 - Stake Primary Activity

4/21 - Ward Linger Longer right after church. A sign up sheet will be passed around in Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary.   

4/25 - Ward Sealing Session at 5:45 - please plan to be at the temple by 5:20 - reservation for 8 people. Please contact Kent Mason if you would like to join the sealing session 435-919-4029 


Responses During Week 4

The fast helped me to focus more on the Savior and take opportunities to talk with others about him and his influence on us.  How important it is to follow him. -Alan Saunders

I didn’t have a missionary experience but I did find myself thinking more of Christ and finding peace in the moments between activities. 

I hope and pray that our missionaries here and afar will feel the support of our efforts. -James Knight

There is a line in the movie “Ephraim’s rescue” just after Ephraim Hanks prays and asks the Lord for a buffalo.  He looks up from his prayer right at a buffalo and says, “Lord, what took you so long.”  Whether this is how things really happened for brother Hanks I am not sure.  However, I am confident that I had a similar experience with our ward fast in March.  March has been a remarkable missionary month.  The first miracle I saw was the number of people who chose to come to church the first Sunday of the fast.  Our attendance was significantly above the average.  The next miracle that I witnessed was a younger brother from Willard who came to our ward to bring his brother and his brother’s two kids to church.  The next miracle took place on Monday as we spoke with Jared in Virginia.  He shared with us a few really special experiences that had taken place that week.  One of them was a lady who he had met on a train and gave a Book of Mormon to, got her number to refer her to the missionaries in her area.  That same Sunday Elder Rees went to a missionary meeting where he was able to see this lady, now a member of the church.  The miracles have continued.  Derek Nelson has received a mission call this month, our ward attendance has remained above average, and I have seen some serious progress with some ward members in the kingdom.  I also had an opportunity to speak to an old friend, not an active member, about special experiences that he has had and let him know that God is aware of him and that the Atonement of Christ is real and could be a great source of comfort and help.  These experiences, with even more, have helped me to see the hand of God involved in this ward fast.  To which I say not "Lord what took you so long?" but rather “Rees, what took you so long?”  - Bishop Rees

I fasted several weeks ago on a Tuesday.  All day I thought about the missionaries from our ward out serving and one in our home who will soon be serving.  I felt a strong tie all day to each of them and prayed that they were safe and that they were being led to those who have been prepared and/or who needed them.  I watched all day for specific missionary experiences for me to share, however, at the end of the day, I felt a little disappointed that nothing significant had happened along those lines, other than thinking of our missionaries.  In the end I settled that this was good enough.  However, in the weeks since then, the Lord had worked his miracles in His own due time.  During that time, Derek has received his mission call to be a Service Missionary in the Utah Ogden Mission and we are so excited to figure out what that really means and entails and how that’s all going to work.  A miracle!  Also, within the next couple of weeks, I was able to share my thoughts and testimony, I believe due to the strength I received through the fast, with two friends/co-workers who are not members of our church but are going through some difficult times in their lives.  One lost her husband several years ago in some difficult circumstances and the other was having a difficult time with her teenager/adult daughter.  In both cases, I was able to bear testimony to each of them that our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ love them and are aware of their situation.  That they love them and each of us as Sons/Daughters of God and that they are working and helping and guiding things for each of our good.  I was also able to encourage each of them to pour out their hearts to Him and he will answer and help and that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has felt all the pain, worry, heartache, etc. that we feel, especially in trying times like these.  More miracles to be able to share this with each of them!  Thank you Heavenly Father for these wonderful experiences, in your own due time! -Ryan Nelson

Serving from our ward

Elder Luis Knight

Letter and Packages:

Elder Luis Alfredo Knight

California Los Angeles Mission 

1591 E Temple Way

Los Angeles CA 90024-5801

United States

Elder Jared Rees 

Mission Office Address

Washington D.C. South Mission

5242 Lynette, Burke, VA 22015

Sister Emery Knight

Gay Lussac 5270

X5021 Villa Belgrano



Kendall and Marilyn Julander

P.O. Box 215

975 Young Street

Nauvoo, IL 62354-0215

United States

Airman Quinton Christensen - Air Force

8201 Frost Ave

Room W208

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87116

United States


Full Time Missionaries

Elder Isgett and Elder Zatylny


Sister Dababneh and Sister Tolentino (Spanish)


Ways to Stay Connected
1. Download the Gospel Living app from your phone's App Store for a list of ward birthdays, messages from the bishopric and other announcements.  
2. Join Remind for short text messages from the Relief Society or Elders Quorum. On your phone click the link below and join:
3. Share the QR code below for a link to the Ward Bulletin blog where information is easily seen in one place on your phone, tablet, or computer. (after you have visited the ward bulletin you can simply start typing rsbr1st in your search bar on the internet and the ward bulletin will pop up.  Usually just an rs will take you there if you have visited the bulletin before)


Come Follow Me September 19-15 "Glad Tidings of Great Joy"; Helaman 13-16 September 16-22 " Lift Up Your Hears and Be of Good...