Saturday, May 28, 2022

THANK YOU!!! with lots of exclamation points!!!!!!

Good Morning!  Here are the links for today. 5th-Sunday Discussion - Adults

Sunday @ 9:40 AM

Some weeks we are overwhelmed as we see all the good that happens in this ward.  This was one of those weeks. Thanks to all (and it was not a few) who helped out with service opportunities this past week. 

And.....Ministering Interviews went wonderfully! We love you all so much and appreciate all the kind and thoughtful care you are taking for each other.  Thank you for showing up!

From Bishop Rees: This Sunday for our second hour meeting we are hoping to remember those who have helped pave the way for us.  I'd like to encourage us all to ponder this talk from Elder Ballard and come prepared to share and remember our forebears.  Elder Ballard Oct 2017

Jane Manning James

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin                                     

May 23-29 - Joshua 1-8;23-24; “Be Strong and of a Good Courage” 

May 30-June 5 Judges 2-4; 6-8; 13-16 “The Lord Raised Up a Deliverer”


  • June 6 - Monday - leaving for Trek!  Bring a lunch for the ride. 

  • June 9 - Return from Trek

  • June 9 - We will meet at the park at 6:30 to celebrate the gathering of Zion pioneers.  Join us in a meal and fun remembering our heritage. 

  • June 16 - 5:30 & 6:15 - Ward Sealing sessions

8 people can join each session and it lasts 45 minutes. Call Brent(435-279-8743) or Barbara (435-720-3040) 

Starting Sunday, June 5th our block meetings begin at 9:00 am 

Serving from our Ward:

Elder Knight's new mailing address for packages and letters is:

La Iglesia de Jesucristo SUD

Misión Santo Domingo Oeste

Calle Manganagua #15

Barrio Manganagua

Santo Domingo,

República Dominicana 10138

Elder Hyrum Rees 

Misión Chile Santiago Sur

Apartado Postal #544

San Bernardo

Región Metropolitana 


Tristin Eddings - Marine Corps


Heart to Heart/Reynolds

Tristin Eddings 435.230.3340

P.O. Box 6146

29 Palms, CA 92278 

Full-time Missionaries

Elder Filetti and Elder Spencer


Elder Bellingham and Elder West (Spanish)
