Saturday, May 21, 2022

Ministering Interviews Sunday!

Here are the links for Relief Society and Elder’s Quorum today. I hope you can make it in person or be with us on Zoom!

Elder’s Quorum (2nd & 4th weeks)
Sunday @ 9:40 AM

Relief Society Meeting (2nd & 4th weeks)
Sunday @ 9:40 AM

Sunday following the block meetings we will be holding ministering interviews in the rooms on the south east part of the church by the primary room.  We hope you will join us.  If you are not able to make it, please call or send us a text or email letting us know how things are going for you and your family. 

Barbara 435-720-3040 or 

Mary Alice 801-98-1932  Penny Simmons 435-938-8449

Thank you so much! See you Sunday! 

There will be little packages of fresh fudge in the multipurpose room.  Please enjoy a treat and visit while you wait for your interview.  Feel free to take a package of fudge to the sisters in your group who weren't able to come.


Our Relief Society Lesson for Sunday is May 22 - M Russell Ballard Lovest Thou Me More Than These?

President Ballard says this: One way to demonstrate our love is by joining family, friends, and neighbors in doing some small things to better serve each other. Do things that make this world a better place. 

Ponder on some of the ways friends and neighbors around you have made the world a better place. 

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin                                     

May 16-22 - Deuteronomy 6-8; 15; 18; 29-30; 34; “Beware Lest Thou Forget the Lord”

May 23-29 - Joshua 1-8;23-24; “Be Strong and of a Good Courage” 

Could you possibly make time to help out with our assignments this week?


  • May 22 - Relief Society Ministering Interviews 10:40-11:40 in the South East classrooms of the church   

  • May 23 - Monday 8 -11 am clean temple grounds - 4 people needed  and 2 people to clean inside the temple 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

  • May 25 - Wednesday 8:45-11:45 - 6 people needed to clean inside the temple

  • June 6-9, 2022  TREK 

  • June 16 - 5:30 & 6:15 - Ward Sealing sessions

8 people can join each session and it lasts 45 minutes. Call Brent(435-279-8743) or Barbara (435-720-3040) 

Serving from our Ward:

Elder Knight's new mailing address for packages and letters is:

La Iglesia de Jesucristo SUD

Misión Santo Domingo Oeste

Calle Manganagua #15

Barrio Manganagua

Santo Domingo,

República Dominicana 10138

Elder Hyrum Rees 

Misión Chile Santiago Sur

Apartado Postal #544

San Bernardo

Región Metropolitana 


Tristin Eddings - Marine Corps


Heart to Heart/Reynolds

Tristin Eddings 435.230.3340

P.O. Box 6146

29 Palms, CA 92278 

Full-time Missionaries

Elder Filetti and Elder Spencer


Elder Bellingham and Elder West (Spanish)


Welcome Home Jared! And.............. Good Luck Spencer!!!!!   Come Follow Me September 16-22; " Lift Up Your Hears and Be of Good Chee...