Saturday, March 5, 2022

Surely the Lord in in This Place

Here is the Zoom link for Sunday school today, March 6. 

Sunday School - Adults (1st & 3rd weeks)

Sunday @ 9:40 AM

Relief Society Birthday Party Tuesday, March 22 6:30 at the church.  We will enjoy a light meal along with a chance to connect with sisters in the ward. Hope you can join us. 

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin                                     

February 28 - March 6 Genesis 28-33; “Surely the Lord is in This Place”

March 7-13, Genesis 37-41; “The Lord Was With Joseph”


  • March 9 - 6:00 pm - Youth Face to Face “Trust in the Lord”

  • March 15 - Trek Activity - square dancing 6:30

  • March 15 - 7:30 - Stake Emergency Preparedness Presentation at the church and on zoom

  • March 17 -  5:30 and 6:15. Ward Temple Sealing Sessions.  8 people can join each session.  Call Brent (435-279-8743) or Barbara (435-720-3040)  if you would like to join one of the sessions. You do not need to make the appointment, it is already made and you are welcome to bring your own names if you would like but not necessary 

  • March 20 - Ward Conference

  • Relief Society Birthday Party March 22 at 6:30.  A light dinner will be served as well as the opportunity to  connect with sisters in the ward. 

  • Trek June 6-10, 2022

Thanks so much to those who are cleaning each week. Each member of the ward will get an opportunity to clean one day. The head of the household is listed on the schedule, but please bring your children and family members to help clean on your assigned day. Thank you so much for helping to keep our building clean. The next 3 weeks are listed below and you can click on the link to see the 4 month schedule. 

Group 11 March 12

*Clark Huggins 435-279-3713

Ryker Holmgren

Steve Jensen

Nate Barnett

Eric Berry

Group 12 March 19

*Kendall Julander 435-279-7979

Doug Price

Jason Anderson

Kim Julander 

Sharleen Hargreaves

Bryant Tingey

Group 13 March 26

* Darin Sorenson 435-730-1445

Jeff Coburn

Brad Coburn

Suzanne Welch

Dan and Sandi Watters

January-April - Cleaning assignments All cleaning groups at a glance. 

Serving from our Ward:

Elder Knight's new mailing address for packages and letters is:

La Iglesia de Jesucristo SUD

Misión Santo Domingo Oeste

Calle Manganagua #15

Barrio Manganagua

Santo Domingo,

República Dominicana 10138

Elder Hyrum Rees 

Misión Chile Santiago Sur

Apartado Postal #544

San Bernardo

Región Metropolitana 


Tristin Eddings - Marine Corps


Heart to Heart/Reynolds

Tristin Eddings 435.230.3340

P.O. Box 6146

29 Palms, CA 92278 

Full-time Missionaries

Elder Filetti and Elder Eberling


Elder Palmer, Elder Venegas and Elder Roosna (Spanish)




Handouts for Teaching in the Savior's Way Class March 6

As you read this quote by President Oaks, note different ways he describes a effective gospel teacher.


“A gospel teacher, like the Master we serve, will concentrate entirely on those being taught,” said Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “His or her total concentration will be on the needs of the sheep—the good of the students. A gospel teacher does not focus on himself or herself. One who understands that principle will not look upon his or her calling as ‘giving or presenting a lesson,’ because that definition views teaching from the standpoint of the teacher, not the student. Focusing on the needs of the students, a gospel teacher will never obscure their view of the Master by standing in the way or by shadowing the lesson with self-promotion or self-interest.”

Effective classroom discussions come from a different type of question—oddly enough, from questions without a specific answer. That is the key.

Good Questions that could work with almost any lesson:

  1. What words stood out to you in the verse (quote, etc) we just read?
  2. Why do you think we need to have a good understanding of prayer (_______)?
  3. What does ________ mean to you? 
  4. How has __________ helped you?
  5. How does it feel to know that we can __________?
  6. What words come to mind when I say the word _________?
  7. When have you felt the closest to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through (prayer, reading about the atonement, etc)
  8. What is a story you think about in the scriptures that talks about ________?

From Teaching No Greater Call:

  1. How have you seen _________ work in your life?
  2. How do we sometimes error in our understanding of ________?
  3. How can _________ be a blessing to us?
  4. What are you doing that makes _________ more meaningful to you?
  5. What do we already know about __________?
  6. What did you learn from reading this message about ______ ?
  7. What. Is something that stood out to you from this message?