Saturday, September 11, 2021

911 Remembrance and Painting the Welcome to Bear River Signs

Here is a wonderful remembrance of 911 on Music and the Spoken Word Today

Worship Services

Sunday @ 1:30 PM 

Elder’s Quorum (2nd & 4th weeks)

Sunday @ 2:40 PM

Relief Society Meeting (2nd & 4th weeks)

Sunday @ 2:40 PM

The Relief Society Lesson for Sunday, September 12th is Infuriating Unfairness - by Dale G Renlund. Elder Renlund says: Jesus Christ... will not just console us and restore what was lost; He will use the unfairness for our benefit. Is there a time that you seen benefit from unfairness in the way Elder Renlund has mentioned?

Thanks to our awesome ward members who have been so willing to fill the volunteer assignments our ward has had at the temple, cannery, Deseret Industries, etc. This past week at the temple, very few volunteers showed from our stake, but the Bear River 1st ward did! You're GREAT! We appreciate you serving and filling these assignments even though it probably isn't convenient, you are just good people. The Best!

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin

Come, Follow Me: 

September 6-12 Doctrine and Covenants 98 - 101 “Be Still and Know That I Am God”

September 13-19 Doctrine and Covenants 102-105 “After Much Tribulation….Cometh the Blessing”


Birthdays: September 12 - 19 - found in the gospel living app, adult circle.

Serving from our Ward:

Elder Knight letter mailing address:

Elder Quinton John Knight 

Dominican Republic Santo Domingo West Mission

C/ Hatuey # 73

Urb. Los Cacicazgos, Santo Domingo

10114 Santo Domingo 

Dominican Republic

Elder Knight package mailing addresses:

Elder Quinton John Knight 

Dominican Republic Santo Domingo West Mission

C/ Hatuey # 73

Urb. Los Cacicazgos, Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo

Dominican Republic

Elder Hyrum Rees 

Misión Chile Santiago Sur

Apartado Postal #544

San Bernardo

Región Metropolitana 


Tristin Eddings - Marine Corps 

Full-time Missionaries

Elder Hipps and Elder Eberling


Elder Palmer, Elder Venegas and Elder Roosna (Spanish)



Face to Face with Elder and Sister Bednar September 12th at 4:00 pm

Stake Priesthood meeting Sunday, September 19 6:00pm at the stake center

Late Summer Ward Social - Friday, September 24th, 6:00pm at the Bear River Park.  We will have a meal enjoying the summer’s bounty and have games and socializing afterwards. 

Kickoff meeting for Self Reliance classes is Sunday, September 12 at 6:00 at the stake center. Two facilitators are needed from our ward. 

National Day of Service: For the day of service (Saturday, September 18), it would be helpful to have an idea of how many we can count on so that we know how to prepare.  As a reminder, we will be painting the Bear River City signs on the North and South ends of town (on Main Street).

We are thinking to divide up into two or three groups depending on the help we can get.

- 1 group will take care of the letters.  This will include removal ahead of time, painting them, and replacing them after the signs are painted.

- 1 group could come for a first shift and use wire brushes to clean the signs to be prepared for paint

- 1 group could come for a second shift and paint the signs

If you believe you can help out, please let me know and also let me know which of the groups you would be interested in helping with.

If we have fewer helpers, we will probably just have two groups, 

- 1 group to work on the North sign

- 1 group to work on the South sign

Please volunteer.  With plenty of helpers, everyone will only need to help for about an hour (or less).

You can respond here or call or text me (435) 730-3406.


Eugene Christensen

Becky Porter will have beans ready next Friday or Monday if you would like some, give her a call: 801-866-9790

  Come Follow Me September 16-22; " Lift Up Your Hears and Be of Good Cheer" 3 Nephi 1-7 September 23-29; " Arise and Come Fo...