Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Message From the Bishop

A Message from Bishop Rees:  As directed by the First Presidency and our area authorities, we have been once again asked to wear masks at church when we are not social distanced. This means please wear a mask in the halls, in classrooms, and whenever social distancing isn't possible.  Thanks for your continued willingness in adjusting to these unprecedented times. It is a joy to worship together.

Links for Sunday, August 15th

Worship Services

Sunday @ 1:30 PM 

Sunday School - Adults (1st & 3rd weeks)

Sunday @ 2:40 PM

As directed by our Stake President, beginning tomorrow our Worship Service will return to the way it was prior to the pandemic.  We will begin as we have been at 1:30PM.  Once announcements and business have been conducted, we will have our Sacrament service followed by talks.

For those attending via Zoom, the audio and video will be turned off during the Sacrament service portion of the meeting. We will keep the meeting running but you will not hear or see anything during that time.  Once the Sacrament service is complete, the audio and video will be resumed.

Thank you for your patience with all who are involved in any portion of this as we make this transition.  Hopefully it will go smoothly for everyone.

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin                                       

Come, Follow Me: 

August 2-8 Doctrine and Covenants 85-87 “Stand Ye in Holy Places”

August 16-22 Doctrine and Covenants 89-92 “A Principle with Promise”

Birthdays: August 16 - 22 - Now found in the Adult Circle in the Gospel Living App

Serving from our Ward:

Elder Quinton Knight 

4400 Presidential Dr NE Ste E,

Albuquerque, NM 87109

Elder Hyrum Rees 

Misión Chile Santiago Sur

Apartado Postal #544

San Bernardo

Región Metropolitana 


Tristin Eddings - Marine Corps 

Full-time Missionaries

Elder Hipps and Elder Eberling


Elder Palmer, Elder Venegas and Elder Roosna (Spanish)



* Late Summer Ward Social - Friday, September 24th, 6:00pm at the Bear River Park.  We will have a meal enjoying the summer’s bounty and have games and socializing afterwards. 

* September 18th National Day of Service - more details coming

Come Follow Me September 19-15 "Glad Tidings of Great Joy"; Helaman 13-16 September 16-22 " Lift Up Your Hears and Be of Good...