Sunday, July 4, 2021

Help Getting Back to the Temple

Sunday July 11th - Following Worship Services, Relief Society and Elders Quorum, we will be having a linger longer in the gym. There will be people available to assist those who need help with:

1. setting up appointments to go to the temple 

2. setting up a church account

3. finding the name of a person to take to the temple.  

Bring your phones, laptops, iPads, tablets, or whatever device you would like to use to get connected. 

We will have small sandwiches and snacks to tide you over until you finish getting what you need done. We hope anyone with any type of question related to getting back to the temple will be sure to stop by. Thanks - see you then. 

Temple - The Brigham City Temple is open for proxy baptisms, initiatory, endowments, and sealings. Appointments need to be made online. 

You can make appointments at other temples as well. 

The Brigham City Temple will be closed August 9 - October 4. Please call the ward family history consultants: Debbie and Bruce Blake or the youth consultants, Jared Rees or Becca Delaney if you need help scheduling.

Come Follow Me September 19-15 "Glad Tidings of Great Joy"; Helaman 13-16 September 16-22 " Lift Up Your Hears and Be of Good...