Saturday, June 5, 2021

Becoming Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Here are the Zoom links for Sunday, June 6th.

Worship Services

Sunday @ 1:30 PM 

Sunday School - Adults (1st & 3rd weeks)Sunday @ 2:40 PM

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin

Come, Follow Me: 

May 31 - June 6 Doctrine and Covenants 60-62 “All Flesh is in Mine Hand”

June 7 - 13 Doctrine and Covenants 63 “That Which Cometh from Above is Sacred”

Birthdays: June 7 - 13

Birthdays are now posted in the gospel living app in the adult circles.

Relief Society and Elders quorum.  Thanks to the few who have responded with ideas for our discussion on pornography on June 13th. Please help us create a better discussion by adding your thoughts or questions at the link below!  It you don't think you have any ideas to share, check out the resources below!  Join us in creating a helpful, hopeful, and healing discussion.  Thank you!

1.  Link to add your thoughts and questions here. 

2.  LInk to Utah Coalition Against Pornography Videos here.

3. Recovering From the Trap of Pornography - Elder Oaks (there is one part that puts pornography use on a nuanced spectrum rather than addict/not addict--a great resource)

4. What Should I Do when I See Pornography? - One of the best videos on pornography put out by the church. Another great metaphor, exit strategies, healthy relationships, emotions, body positivity

5. How do I Talk to My Child About Healthy Sexuality (from the Help section on Pornography on

6. Shame vs Guilt: Help for Discerning God's Voice from Satan's Lies (from January 2020 Ensign)

7. A multitude of resources from the church

Relief Society - Every week we get a couple more responses to the online ministering interview.  Thank you - If you haven't, please visit the link below for a little virtual chat! Excited to hear from you! 

Link to online Ministering Interview.

Young Men and Young Women activities Tuesdays at 6:30

Temple News and Volunteers

Great news, the Brigham City Temple is moving into phase 3 on June 8th. We can now schedule to do proxy ordinance work.

4 volunteers are still needed  to help clean the temple on Thursday June 10th 8:45-midnight. Temple recommend required. Enter through the baptistery doors, come in your Sunday dress clothes then scrubs will be provided. Thank you to those who have volunteered! 

Please let Brent or Barbara Baugh know if you would like to help. 435-279-8743, 435-720-3040

Serving from our Ward:

Elder Quinton Knight 

4400 Presidential Dr NE Ste E,

Albuquerque, NM 87109

Elder Hyrum Rees 

Misión Chile Santiago Sur

Apartado Postal #544

San Bernardo

Región Metropolitana 


Tristin Eddings - Marine Corps 

Full-time Missionaries

Elder Hipps and Elder Eberling


Elder Palmer, Elder Venegas and Elder Roosna (Spanish)


Our opportunity to clean the church building goes from April through June.  We each have the chance to clean one of the Saturday mornings in the next 3 months.  Gil Miller will head up the project and we will post those cleaning each week in the ward bulletin. Thank you so much for helping keep our church clean.  The coming 2 weeks of cleaners will be:

Group 11 June 12

*Clark Huggins 435-279-3713

Ryker Holmgren

Steve Jensen

Nate Barnett

Jason Anderson

Group 12 June 19

*Dylan Julander 435-279-7525

Blake Taylor

Doug Price

Rasten Yeates

Kendall Julander 

Kim Julander 


  • June 13--Single Adult (31+) Face to Face Broadcast

  • July 7-10 - YM’s Summer Camp (Franklin Basin, Cache County)

  • July 14-17 - YW’s Summer Camp (Cinnamon Creek, Cache County)

  • August 11-14--Stake Youth Camp (14-18 year olds)