Saturday, May 15, 2021

That Which is of God is Light

That Which is of God is Light

Church times for our ward are listed in the links below.  During the second hour of church Sunday school is held on the first and 3rd Sundays and Relief Society, Elders Quorum, Young Men and Young Women meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.  Primary is held every week. 

Here are the links for Sunday, May 16. 

Worship Services

Sunday @ 1:30 PM 

Sunday School - Adults

Sunday @ 2:40 PM

Ministering Thoughts - Thank you so much to the sisters who have shared their thoughts at a ministering interview.  Last week was Mother's Day so a ministering interview was probably the last thing on your mind and that is great.  

We would still love to hear from you though. Maybe this Sunday will be less hectic and you will have a couple of minutes to share your thoughts.  Here is the link and thank you so so much!  We love to hear about you, your family, and how life is going.  

Please take a minute for a ministering interview. We would love to hear from EVERY sister and especially from YOU!!!!!! Just click on the ministering interview link above.

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin

Today is Ward Conference                                       

Come, Follow Me: 

May 10 - 16 Doctrine and Covenants 49-50 “That Which is of God is Light”

May 17-23  Doctrine and Covenants 51-57 “A Faithful, a Just, and a Wise Steward”

Birthdays: May 17-23

Birthdays are now posted on the Adult Circle in the Gospel Living App.

Serving from our Ward:

Elder Quinton Knight 

200 Desert Pass St. #821

El Paso, TX 79912

Elder Hyrum Rees 

Misión Chile Santiago Sur

Apartado Postal #544

San Bernardo

Región Metropolitana 


Tristin Eddings - Marine Corps 

Full-time Missionaries

Elder Hipps and Elder Eberling


Elder Palmer, Elder Venegas and Elder Roosna (Spanish)


Thank You - A big thanks to Alan and Jenny Christensen for cooking a delicious dinner for the Priesthood commemoration evening. Thanks also for the delicious breakfast and for all who helped make it an enjoyable evening for the fathers, sons, and grandfathers! 

Our opportunity to clean the church building goes from April through June.  We each have the chance to clean one of the Saturday mornings in the next 3 months.  Gil Miller will head up the project and we will post those cleaning each week in the ward bulletin. Thank you so much for helping keep our church clean.  The coming 2 weeks of cleaners will be:

Group 8 May 22

* Milo Porter 801-791-2332

Jeremy Eddings

Ricky Hatch

Jeremy Thorpe

James Knight

Group 9  May 29

* Von Sorenson 435-279-4432

Alan Christensen

Timothy Grant Kiser

Lewis Cowley

Brett Fowers

Here is the 3 month cleaning group schedule: Cleaning Groups and Dates


June 13--Single Adult (31+) Face to Face Broadcast

July 7-10 - YM’s Summer Camp (Franklin Basin, Cache County)

July 14-17 - YW’s Summer Camp (Cinnamon Creek, Cache County)

August 11-14--Stake Youth Camp (14-18 year olds)

Come Follow Me September 19-15 "Glad Tidings of Great Joy"; Helaman 13-16 September 16-22 " Lift Up Your Hears and Be of Good...