Saturday, May 8, 2021

Happy Mother's Day

Here are the links for Sunday, May 9th

Worship Services

Sunday @ 1:30 PM 

Elder’s Quorum (2nd & 4th weeks)

Sunday @ 2:40 PM

Relief Society Meeting (2nd & 4th weeks)

Sunday @ 2:40 PM

Wishing you all a wonderful Mother's Day Sunday as you reflect upon the lessons you have learned from the mothers in your life.

Our Relief Society Lesson on May 9 is: Waiting on the Lord by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. Ponder on a time you have waited on the Lord and the answer has come in His time and plan, and not yours.

Please take a minute for a ministering interview. We would love to hear from EVERY sister and especially from YOU!!!!!! Just click the link here:

Bear River 1st Ward Bulletin                                       

Come, Follow Me: 

May 3 - 9 Doctrine and Covenants 46-48, “Seek Ye Earnestly the Best Gifts”

May 10 - 16 Doctrine and Covenants 49-50 “ That Which is of God is Light”

Birthdays: May 10-16

Birthdays are now published on the gospel living app in the adult circle.

Serving from our Ward:

Elder Quinton Knight 

200 Desert Pass St. #821

El Paso, TX 79912

Elder Hyrum Rees 

Misión Chile Santiago Sur

Apartado Postal #544

San Bernardo

Región Metropolitana 


Tristin Eddings - Marine Corps 

Full-time Missionaries

Elder Hipps and Elder Eberling


Elder Palmer, Elder Venegas and Elder Roosna (Spanish)


Priesthood Commemoration: Friday and Saturday, May 14 and 15th  will be a Priesthood commemoration camp out at the Bear River City park.  Dinner on Friday evening will be served at 6:30 pm and breakfast Saturday morning will be provided as well. Please join us.

Cannery - Guess What? There is still time to help with our cannery assignment on May 13 from 3 -7 pm. Three people are needed. We would love to hear from any who would be able to help out! Please call Barbara 435-720-3040 or Brent 435-279-8743. Thanks!

Our opportunity to clean the church building goes from April through June.  We each have the chance to clean one of the Saturday mornings in the next 3 months.  Gil Miller will head up the project and we will post those cleaning each week in the ward bulletin. Thank you so much for helping keep our church clean.  The coming 2 weeks of cleaners will be:

Group 6 May 8

* Christensen, Curtis 435-230-0317

Alan Saunders

Gardner, Dillan

Lynn Green

Mike Rees

Group 7 May15

*Val Call 435-452-1989

Derek Checketts 

Clint Armstrong

Griffin Holmgren

Andy Madsen 

David Call