Friday, March 19, 2021

Cleaning Groups

Cleaning Groups BR 1st Ward 2023

  1. The asterick name is the group leader. The leader could text or call those in the group and let them know of this opportunity to clean the church at 8am on Saturday morning.

  2. Gil Miller can contact the leaders and see if they have questions or need help.

  3. Those in the group who want to help but can’t come at 8am on Saturday morning canget an assignment and do it at another time. For instance they could clean the bathrooms on Friday night. Another option would be to switch weeks with someone else and they can take your place and you can take theirs.
    Thank you!

Group 1 - January 7

*Scott Laws 435-730-7801

Brook Denkers, Wayne Willis, Laura Holm, Stephen Gregory

Group 2 - January 14

* Trent Van Natta 801-668-9169 

Tom Wyatt, James Martin, Dave Pugsley, Clint Hansen

Group 3 - January 21

*Jared Preston 385-298-5689 

Lynn Green, Clint Armstrong, Jerry Bake, Tim Kiser

Group 4 - January 28

*Bruce Anderson 801-698-2795 

Dren Anderson, Jeff Hansen, Bob Simcox, Robert Delaney

Group 5 - February 4

*Lewis Cowley 801-372-9283 

Steve Huggins, Chris Olson, Alex Hyder, Mark Nelson

Group 6 - February 11

*Darin Sorenson 435-730-1445 

Will Iverson, Suzanne Welch, Jeff Coburn

Cleaning Groups BR 1st Ward 2023

Group 7 - February 18

*Bryant Tingey 435-230-5025

Kendall Julander, Doug Price,  Kim Julander, Jason Anderson

Group 8 - February 25

*Nate Barnett 435-535-5181

Eric Berry, Ryker Holmgren, Sam Price, Clark Huggins

Group 9 - March 4

*Peter Newbold 435-230-2046

Brent Baugh, Kerry Johnson, Alan Saunders, Brandon Holbrook

Group 10 - March 11

*Alan Christensen 435-230-0318

Jeff Mcllrath, Bret Fowers, Von Sorenson, Bailey Christensen

Group 11 - March 18

*Jeremy Thorpe 515-361-0100

Milo Porter, James Knight, Dillan Gardner, Jeff Gardner

Group 12 - March 25

*Val Call 435-452-1989 

Griffin Holmgren, Michael Rees, Derek Checketts

Group 13 - April 1

*Travis Smith 801-928-1681 

Curtis Christensen, Ricky Hatch, Jake Broadus

Group 14 - April 8

*Ken Braegger 435-279-8639

Mike Connley, Mark Anderson, Andy Madsen, Ryan Anderson

Cleaning Groups BR 1st Ward 2023

Group 15 - April 15

*Eugene Christensen 435-730-3406 

Jason Huggins, Josh Huggins,Brian Stoering, Ann Holmgren

Group 16 - April 22

*Jeff Amott 801-698-9998

Gil Miller, Kort Lyons, Jimmy Shupe, Jim Shupe

Group 17 - April 29

*Brandon Whitley 435-282-9020 

Isaac Mcfarland, Jason Sorenson, Kent Mason

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